Men and Masculinities in Europe

Keith Pringle, Jeff Hearn, Harry Ferguson,Dimitar Kambourov, Voldemar Kolga, Emmi Lattu, Ursula Müller, Marie Nordberg, Irina Novikova,Elzbieta Oleksy, Joanna Rydzewska, Iva Smidova, Teemu Tallberg, Herrta Niemi

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ISBN: 978-1-861770-42-4
Categories: Social Policy
Published: November 2006
216 x 140 x 24 mm
292 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
This book reviews the state of knowledge on men and masculinities between ten European countries, emphasising both the differences and the similarities between them.

The volume draws upon the outcomes of a recently-completed major research exercise undertaken by network funded by the European Commission-funded Research Network on Men in Europe. It contains contributions by some of Europe’s leading scholars in the field. Special emphasis is placed on four key themes: home and work, social exclusion, violences, and health. There is also a particular focus on the fundamental changes taking place in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-socialist period; and to the questions of politics and ethnicity in contemporary Europe. Addressing politics, policy and analysis around men and masculinities in relation to these and other matters is an immensely urgent task not only for European and Trans-European political structures but also for European societies themselves.

In the past, masculinity and men’s powers and practices were taken for granted. Gender was largely seen as a matter of and for women. This is now changing in the face of rapid but contradictory social change. This book will be essential reading for anyone, whether academic, policy maker, or concerned citizen, who wishes to understand these social processes and their implications for the societies of Europe.

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  • Estonia Voldemar Kolga, Professor of Personality and Developmental Psychology, Head of the Women’s Studies Centre, University of Tallinn
  • Finland Jeff Hearn, Professor in the Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki; Emmi Lattu, Doctoral Student at the University of Tampere; Teemu Tallberg, Doctoral Student at the Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki; Hertta Niemi, Research Assistant and Doctoral Student at the Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki
  • Germany Ursula Müller, Full Professor of Sociology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Women’s Studies Centre, University of Bielefeld
  • Ireland Harry Ferguson, Professor of Social Work, University of the West of England
  • Latvia Irina Novikova, Director of the Centre for Gender Studies, University of Latvia
  • Poland Elzbieta Oleksy, Full Professor of Humanities and Director of the Women’s Studies Centre, University of Lodz and Joanna Rydzewska, Doctoral Candidate, Women’s Studies Centre, University of Lodz
  • United Kingdom Keith Pringle, Professor of Social Work, Aalborg University
  • Bulgaria Dimitar Kambourov, Associate Professor in Literary Theory, Sofia University
  • Czech Republic Iva Smidova, Doctoral Researcher, Sociology Department, Masaryk University
  • Sweden Marie Nordberg, Doctoral Student in Ethnology, Goteborgs University
Jeff Hearn
Jeff Hearn is Academy Fellow  and Research Professor, University of Huddersfield, UK and Professor, Swedish School of Economics (Hanken), Helsinki , Finland . He was formerly Research Professor, University of Manchester, UK, and has been Professor II at Oslo University, and Visiting Professor in 8 other universities in 4 countries. He has ... read more
Harry Ferguson
He joined the university in November 2008 as Professor of Social Work. Prior to that he held posts at the University of the West of England, Bristol and in his native Ireland at University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork.  He is a qualified social worker and completed his ... read more
Marie Nordberg
 Marie Nordberg research on men and boys' experiences and understandings of various forms of violence and the relationship between the socially legitimized and socially problematic violence.  Mainly, she has been interested in the normalization of certain acts of violence, and focused on the more subtle forms of violence and everyday contexts where violence ... read more
Elzbieta Oleksy
Full Professor of Humanities, University of Lódz. 1999 Title of Professor granted by the President of the Republic of Poland 1991 Habilitated Doctor, University of Poznan, Poland 1979 PhD, University of Poznan, Poland 1971 MA, University of Lódz, Poland. Altogether published 15 books and over 80 articles and book chapters. ... read more
Joanna Rydzewska
Joanna Rydzewska graduated with an MA Honours degree from the University of Lodz, where she also taught at the Department of American Studies and Mass Media (Award for Teaching Excellence). Before joining the Department of Media and Communication as a lecturer, she was a Fulbright Fellow at the Department of Rhetoric and ... read more
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