The cup, the gun and the crescent

Social welfare and civil unrest in Muslim societies

Edited by Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Jonathan Parker, Azlinda Azman


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ISBN: 978-1-861771-32-2
Series: Critical Studies in Socio-Cultural Diversity
Categories: Cultural Studies, Health Services, Human Services, Social Policy, Social Work
Published: October 2012
234 x 156 x 16 mm
320 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
This edited book considers contemporary developments in social and welfare policy in Islamic countries from an indigenous and academic perspective, rather than through the hegemonic lens of Western social policy frameworks.

Contributors from a range of countries in the Islamic world present insights and case studies which demonstrate how local services are responding to the changing needs of those societies faced as they are by the challenges of globalisation, socio-religio-political developments, and often by significant levels of civil conflict.

Introduction: Warfare and welfare: civil strife and the humanising imperative in contemporary muslim societies Jonathan Parker
Religion, Sectarianism & Identity: Islam, human rights and social work in a changing world
Alean Al-Krenawi
Reinstating social policy in the Arab world: Some new analytical perspectives on religion and social citizenship
Rana Jawad

Social welfare and the Islamic Revolution in Iran
Taghi Doostgharin
Bearing witness: Women in war-torn Afghanistan
Parin Dossa
The Islamic resurgence in Malaysia and the implications for multiculturalism
Hew Cheng Sim and Sara Ashencaen Crabtree
Impact of Direct Conflict: Civil conflict, natural disaster, and Muslim philanthropy in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Christopher Candland and Raza Khan Qazi
An examination of ideological and practical approaches to small business development and social welfare policy in Palestine
Andromeda Agnew
The politics of welfare after revolution and war: The Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Kevan Harris
Developing professional identity and practice through professional supervision programmes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Jane Lindsay
Social protection in Afghanistan: Between conflict, transitions and international aid
Martine van Bijlert
The Kurdish region of Iraq: Post conflict and the role of adolescence in the democratization process
Elise Kipperberg
Social welfare provisioning in MENA: Religious or secular?
Mahmood Messkoub
Globalisation, urbanization and social transformation: The Social construction of juvenile delinquency and social welfare responses to youth justice in the United Arab Emirates
Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Margaret Wood and Belkeis Altareb
The impact of urbanization and globalization on social welfare policies in Egypt: A critical analysis Nabil
M. Aboulhassan and Tamer M. Abdel-Ghany
Globalization and women’s health vulnerabilities in Malaysia
Hew Cheng Sim and Azlinda Azman
Conclusion: Embroidered lives and tapestries of violence
Ashencaen Crabtree and Jonathan Parker
Sara Ashencaen Crabtree
Sara Ashencaen Crabtree is Deputy Director, Centre of Social Work and Social Policy, and Head of Sociology & Social Policy, School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University. She is the author of Islam and Social Work: Debating values, transforming practice (Policy Press, 2008) ... read more
Jonathan Parker
Prof. Jonathan Parker is Professor of Social Policy & Social Work and Director of the Centre for Social Work, Sociology and Social Policy at Bournemouth University, and Visiting Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He was one of the founders and director of the Family Assessment and Support Unit, a placement agency ... read more
Azlinda Azman
Azlinda Azman is the Chair of the Social Work Programme and Convenor of the AIDS Action Research Group (AARG) at the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. ... read more
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