Group work applications across the social work curriculum

Selected and updated papers from the IASWG Symposium Proceedings Archives

Edited by Carol S. Cohen, Mark J. Macgowan

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ISBN: 978-1-861771-47-6
Series: IASWG Proceedings
BIC Categories: Social welfare & social services, Social work, Social groups
Categories: Counselling, Groupwork, Health Services, Human Services, Social Work
Published: January 2021
234 x 156 x 15 mm
290 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
This book offers a vivid collection of chapters for anyone involved in group work education or training at any level.

The collection combines a range of theoretical and ethical insights with a pragmatic approach to building competence in day to day interventions with groups across many settings. Whether you work in a university or a workplace setting, you will find value in these diverse chapters, each accompanied by an updated commentary to emphasise the continuing relevance of the approach.  Such studies can inspire and sustain developing group workers in their efforts to apply their knowledge in the field.

We have curated this selection from the annual Proceedings of the IASWG Symposium. This annual event offers a unique range case studies from around the world. Reaching back to the published chapters contained in Symposium Proceedings, the editors identified 15 papers that exemplify the IASWG’s enduring emphasis on enhancing education for group work.

 There is much here which to support your efforts to inspire and sustain the important work of your students. (See overleaf for full contents

Using a reflecting team as a small group exercise in the social work classroomW. J. Casstevens and Marcia Cohen
Exploring group work concepts presented on video in an undergraduate group work course
John Mansfield and Patrick Hull
More than ice breakers: Teaching social work students how to effectively use activity in the group Jennifer A. Clements and Samuel R. Benbow
Increasing diversity competence in social work students through group research projectsStephen J. Yanca
The ‘Rainbow Nation’ way of teaching sensitivity to diversity for social work with groupsReineth Prinsloo
Using literature groups to teach diversityMari Ann Graham
The model, a continuum of connecting the classroom and community: Utilizing group workBrenda Exum and Mary Yanisko
Community social service projects: Working in task groups to create changeMarilyn D. Frank
Constructing a bridge between research and practice: A reflection on cooperative group learningAnnette Gerten
Teaching social work from a group-as-a-whole perspective: A classroom case studyJames J. Canning
A magical mystery tour: Education and social work with groups across bordersEllen Sue Mesbur
Walking the talk: Utilizing groupwork in gatekeeping social work educationMary Wilson
Academic mentoring of social work faculty: A group experience with a feminist influence
Alana B. Atchinson, Lisa M. Murphy, Maria A. Gurrola, Cheryl D. Lee, and Shirley R. Simon
Orchestrating the power of a group of AASWG members in partnership for change with colleagues at a university social work programThelma Silver and Anna Fritz
The metamorphosis of a university social group work clubCheryl Lee and Eliette Montiel
De Wallonie et du Québec : réflexions sur les stratégies de formation visant à développer une culture de l’intervention de groupe chez les étudiants en travail social
Ginette Berteau et Louise Warin

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