William Pelech

Books by this author: Unity in Diversity (PB) Ed.
  • About
  • Dr. William Pelech currently holds an appointment as full professor and associate dean (academic) in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. Dr. Pelech has conducted research and practice group work and currently holds a major national Tri-Council grant; his research focuses on how practitioners use diversity in their group work practice. He has been a coprincipal investigator on a major Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant relating to intergenerational trauma among First Nations people as well as a national research project, which developed a virtual community of practice for practitioners and caregivers for individuals who experience fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Dr. Pelech also pioneered the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Virtual Learning Circle, a blended BSW program, and was presented the Killam Award for Innovation in Education for this work.

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