Christian Spatscheck

  • About
  • Dr. Christian Spatscheck is Professor of Theories and Methods of Social Work at the School of Social Work of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Hochschule Bremen, Germany, Visiting Scholar at Lund University, Sweden, and Visiting Professor at Pisa University, Italy. After degrees in social work (KH Freiburg) and pedagogy (PH Freiburg) he received his PhD in social pedagogy (TU Berlin). His main interests in research and development are theories and methods of social work and social pedagogy, especially spatial and systemic approaches, youth work and youth policy as well as international social work and social development. He is the author and editor of several books in the field of theories and methods of social work, member of the Editorial Boards and Editorial Advisory Boards of several journals and book series, among them European Journal of Social Work, Nordic Social Work Research, and And he represents Hochschule Bremen’s School of Social Work in the international SocNet 98 and ERIS networks.

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