Understanding Perpetrators, Protecting Children

A practitioner's guide to working effectively with child sexual labusers

Lynda Deacon and Bryan Gocke

Understanding Perpetrators, Protecting Children book cover

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ISBN: 978-1-861770-22-6
Categories: Health Services, Human Services, Social Work
Published: July 1999
216 x 140 x 16 mm
210 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
The forming of specialist teams has greatly aided the development of effective work with perpetrators. However, a side-effect has been a mystique about this field; non-specialists do not feel encouraged to understand this work. The authors feel that this is counter productive, as in fact 94% of work with perpetrators is undertaken by individuals with little support, specialist training or supervision. Only 6% of known perpetrators are treated in established specialist programmes.

The underpinning theory and the basic key principles of practice with this group can be acquired by any professional worker. This book provides an orientation to front-line staff to enable them to contribute effectively to the protection of children.

The book sets out:
  • To demystify the theory of working with perpetrators of child sexual abuse.
  • To give practitioners the information they need to able to work effectively and safely with perpetrators, and to know when specialist services must be engaged.
  • To help practitioners acquire the skills to help perpetrators take responsibility for their actions and thus protect children.
  • To look at the gender issues inevitably embedded in this area of work.
The book is aimed at the singleton practitioner within social work, probation, housing, community work and mental health work who is increasing faced with the need to work with sex offenders with little or no specialist support.

The authors have between them over twenty years of experience in working and training in this field. In this book they have attempted to disseminate their knowledge. They have provided an accessible, readable and informative ‘how to’ guide. It will appeal to any front line worker who seeks practical advice to develop his or her competence in face to face work with this group.
  • Context and theory.
  • How Perpetrators Operate.
  • The Grooming Process.
  • Risk Assessment.
  • Change, Monitoring and Containment.
  • Professional Support.
  • MultiAgency Contexts.
  • Impact on the Professional.
Lynda Deacon
At the time of writing, Lynda Deacon was Staff Tutor in Health and Social Welfare at the Open University with extensive experience in child protection work. ... read more
Bryan Gocke
Bryan Gocke is a Child Protection Manager and former Probation Officer with experience with adult and adolescent abusers. ... read more
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