Groupwork Volume 4

An interdisciplinary journal for working with groups

Edited by Allan Brown and Andrew Kerslake

Cover of Groupwork vol 4

Price: GBP£ 40.00
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ISBN: 978-1-861770-58-5
Series: Groupwork Classics
Categories: Counselling, Groupwork, Health Services, Human Services, Social Work
Published: June 2007
216 x 140 x 22 mm
332 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
Since its first issue in 1988, much interesting and inspiring material has been published in Groupwork. Most of this still says much of use to today's groupworkers, and there is a steady stream of requests for reprints. We are therefore making back volumes of Groupwork available in book form. Authors in this volume include leading academic figures in the field as well as practitioners working in the field. Any groupworker will find this material of enduring interest.

The first 13 volumes of Groupwork will be available from Summer 2007, and Volume 14 will appear in the Autumn.

All titles in the Groupwork Classics series will also be printed in the United States, and available at 48 to 72 hours notice through the N American booktrade (USA price for volume 4 is US$75.00).
Empowerment through mutual aid groups: A practice grounded conceptual framework
Judith AB. Lee
Making authority accountable: The experience of a statutory based women’s group
Helen Bodinham and Jeremy Weinstein
Towards a model of social groupwork practice with marginalised populations
Margot Breton
Working creatively with children
Eugene Clerkin and Belinda Knaggs
The termination phase in groupwork: Tasks for the groupworker
Sue Ross
Miami, October 1990
Oded Manor and Dave Ward
Black/white co-working in groups
Tara Mistry And Allan Brown
Groupwork and oral history: Raising the consciousness of young people during social transition
Sandra Drower
The use of photographs as a projective and facilitative technique in groups
Merav DeVere And Ossi Rhonne
Facilitation in self-directed groupwork
Dave Ward and Audrey Mullender
Evaluative study of groupwork for stress and anxiety
Rhona Birrell Weisen
A long-term support group for chronic schizophrenic outpatients: A quantitative and qualitative evaluation
Julie Cwikel And Adina Oron
Using groups in working with offenders: A survey of groupwork in the Probation Service of England and Wales
Brian Caddick
A Miskin Model of groupwork with women offenders
Marion jones, Mary Mordecai, Frances Rutter and Linda Thomas
Evolution and accountability Ten years of groups in a day centre for offenders
Judith Earnshaw
The Telford Motoring Offenders Education Project
Kathryn Hutchins
Groupwork in the Luton Probation And Bail Hostel
Catherine Mulvie
The Newcastle intensive probation programme A centralised approach to groupwork
Jane Mackintosh
Meeting prisoners’ needs through groupwork
Mike Ashe
Groupwork in the Probation Service: Care or control in the 1990s
Paul Senior
Selected abstracts on groupwork with offenders
John Hodge
Derek Carter 1934-1991
Allan Brown
Allan Brown was Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Bristol and founding Editor of Groupwork.
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