Groupwork Volume 3

An interdisciplinary journal for working with groups

Edited by Allan Brown and Andrew Kerslake

Third volume of Groupwork

Price: GBP£ 40.00
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ISBN: 978-1-861770-57-8
Series: Groupwork Classics
Categories: Groupwork, Health Services, Human Services, Social Work
Published: July 2007
216 x 140 x 22 mm
332 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
Since its first issue in 1988, much interesting and inspiring material has been published in Groupwork. Most of this still says much of use to today's groupworkers, and there is a steady stream of requests for reprints. We are therefore making back volumes of Groupwork available in book form. Authors in this volume include leading academic figures in the field as well as practitioners working in the field. Any groupworker will find this material of enduring interest.

The first 13 volumes of Groupwork will be available from Summer 2007, and Volume 14 will appear in the Autumn.

All titles in the Groupwork Classics series will also be printed in the United States, and available at 48 to 72 hours notice through the N American booktrade (USA price for volume 3 is US$75.00).
Social work with groups in multicultural contexts
Kenneth L. Chau
Siblings in groups: Children of separated/divorced parents
Sandra Regan and Jan Young
Groupwork techniques in a residential primary school for emotionally disturbed boys
Peter Clarke and Amanda Aimable
The role of groupwork in research with people with learning difficulties
Jan Walmsley
Groupwork training: A case study
Andrew Kerslake
Beulah Rothman: An appreciation
Oded Manor
Starting the journey: Enhancing the therapeutic elements of groupwork for adolescent female child sexual abuse victims
Eileen Craig
Evaluating success in groupwork: Why not measure the obvious?
Anne Peake and Olive Otway
Investigating groupwork: A Case study using a group approach in the initial stages of child sexual abuse investigation
Sarah Allum
The Forgotten parent: Groupwork with mothers of sexually abused children
Helen Masson and Marcus Erooga
Work with male sex offenders in groups
Malcolm Cowburn
Protection, control, treatment: Groupwork with child sexual abuse perpetrators
Marcus Erooga, Paul Clark and Mai Bentley
Group treatment for women sex offenders against children
Sharon Barnett. Francesca Corder and Derek Jehu
Selected article abstracts on child sexual abuse and groupwork
Julia Cramp and Helen Armstrong
Self help groups: A minefield for professionals
Ulla Habermann
Facing the challenge of developing group services for high risk families
Alice Home and Lise Darveau-Fournier
Groupwork with parents of sleepless children
Rona Robertson
Culture’ groups in prison
Graham Towl
Groupwork with a difference: The group ‘mosaic’ in residential day centre settings
Allan Brown
Groupwork in residential settings for elderly people
Audrey Mullender

Allan Brown
Allan Brown was Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Bristol and founding Editor of Groupwork.
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