Groupwork Volume 7

An Interdisciplinary Journal for Working with Groups

Edited by Allan Brown and Nano McCaughan

groupwork volume seven cover

Price: GBP£ 42.00
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ISBN: 978-1-861770-61-5
Series: Groupwork Classics
Categories: Groupwork, Health Services, Human Services, Social Work
Published: January 2008
216 x 140 x 21 mm
292 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
Since its first issue in 1988, much interesting and inspiring material has been published in Groupwork. Most of this still says much of use to today's groupworkers, and there is a steady stream of requests for reprints. We are therefore making back volumes of Groupwork available in book form. Authors in this volume include leading academic figures in the field as well as practitioners working in the field. Any groupworker will find this material of enduring interest.

The first 13 volumes of Groupwork will be available from Summer 2007, and Volume 14 will appear in the Autumn.

All titles in the Groupwork Classics series will also be printed in the United States, and available at 48 to 72 hours notice through the N American booktrade (USA price for volume 1 is US$75.00).
The linguistic and cultural barriers to cross-national groupwork
Paul Taylor, Lecturer in Community Education, University of Tours, France
Partnership in training and practice with refugees 
Jill Reynolds, School of Health, Welfare and Community Education, Open University and Jane Shackman, Social Worker, The Medical Foundation for Care of Victims of Torture
Men working with men in groups: masculinity and crime
John Benstead, Gloucester Probation, Allan Brown, School of Social Work, Bristol University, Carlton Forbes, and Rick Wall, Avon Probation Centre
Working with religious communities
Geraldine Grindley, Dublin City University
Issues of empowerment: Anti-oppressive groupwork by disabled people in Ireland
Maire Ni Chorcora and Eddie Jennings, DET and Nuala Lordan, Dept of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork
A Psychotherapeutic group for boys who have been sexually abused
Gary Dixon formerly South London FSU and Michelle Phillips, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Camberwell Child Guidance Centre
Groupwork and black women: Viewing networks as groups
Marcia Francis-Spence Centre for Applied Social Studies, University of Durham
Staying alive in difficult times: The experience of groupwork with mothers of children who have been sexually abused
Deb Dobbin and Sarah Evans, Independent Social Workers
A time for women: An account of a group for women on an out of city housing development in Leicester
Claire Wintram, Independent Trainer, Kerry Chamberlain, National Health Service Administrator, Marlene Kuhn, Midwife and Jo Smith, Woman with a Disability active in support and campaign groups , Leicester
Groupwork for mental health: Providers utilising the enchanted self concept
Barbara Becker Holstein, Psychologist, Long Branch, New Jersey, and Doreen Laperdon-Addison, Movement Educator and Professional Dancer
Promoting positive images:. The role of groupwork in promoting women managers within organisations
Judy Fawcett, Independent Consultant and Trainer
Using a facilitated self help group for women whose children have been sexually abused
Olive Otway, Dept of Social Work, Keele University, and Anne Peak, Principal Psychologist, Oxfordshire
‘All I’ve got in my purse is mothballs’ the social action women’s group
Sandra Butler, Dept of Social Work, University of Nottingham
Silence in working across difference: Groupwork in a youth and community work training context
Janet Batsleer, Youth and Community Work Section, Manchester Metropolitan University
Ourselves and others
Helen Gobat, Independent Social Worker
Groupwork with young mothers
Caroline Norman, Project Worker, St Gabriels Family Centre, Brighton
Groupwork for parents of young people in trouble: A proposal
Mark Drakeford, Dept of Applied Social Studies, University of Wales, SwanseaA dramatic view of groupwork Jeremy Weinstein, Dept of Social Work, South Bank University
Anger management groupwork with prisoners: An empirical evaluation
Graham J Towl and Polly Dexter, Forensic Psychologists, HM Prison Service
Allan Brown
Allan Brown was Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Bristol and founding Editor of Groupwork.
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